Pahelwan is combination insecticide able to control Jassids, Thrips & Bollworm in cotton.
Pahelwan act as quick stomach & contact insecticides.
Pahelwan has advance ZC formulation.
Monocrotophos 36 % SL
Pahelwan-007 is a broad Spectrum Organophosphorus insecticide with both Systemic and Contact action.
Its systemic activity controls sucking pests in a wide range of crops.
Chewing and Boring insects are killed by Contact action.
Fipronil 5% SC
Pahelwan-009 is a highly active, Broad-Spectrum insecticide from the Phenylpyrazole family.
It can be used against major Lepidopterous and Orthopterous pests on a wide range of field and horticultural crops and against larvae in Soil.
Pahelwan-009 is an excellent thripicide.
Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC
Pahelwan - 101 is a new generation photostable insecticide with contact, stomach and repellent properties.
It is effective for killing pests like bollworms, jassids, thrips and fruit borer in cotton, rice, brinjal etc.
It control thrips in garlic, onion, mango etc. effectively.
Thiamethoxam 30% FS
Pahelwan - 108 is an improved, user-friendly seed treatment formulation containing the systemic insecticide Thiamethoxam .
The systemic activity and the relatively low rate of application makes it user friendly for seed dressing.
Pahelwan - 108 provides protection to the crop against highly damaging sucking pests from day 1 up to 30–40 days, thus eliminating the need of repeated sprays.
Pahelwan - 108 is also Very effective against white grub.
Imidacloprid 17.8% SL
Pahelwan-111 has a broad spectrum of activity, particularly against sucking insects, various species of beetles, some species of flies, leaf miners and termites.
It is considered a relatively polar material with good xylem mobility and hence it is a suitable for seed treatment and soil application.
Imidacloprid is a highly demanded insecticides globally to control sucking pests including termite.
Pahelwan-111 is compatible with conventional insecticides.
Imidacloprid 30.5% SC
Pahelwan-222 is with a superior improved suspension concentrate formulation enabling better absorption and resulting in longer persistence.
Pahelwan-222 is an advance technology for new formulation of Imidacloprid.
SC formulation helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption on the leaf surface.
It is very effective against most sucking insect pests.
Very economical insecticide due to its efficiency on use due to longer persistence and hence saves farmer’s money, labour and time.
Pahelwan-222 can be applied by foliar spray, soil drenching, seedling dip and seed treatment.
Pahelwan-222 is very useful for control of termite in field as well as Buildings.
Imidacloprid 70% WG
Manufactured with the latest of water dispersible granule formulation - better solubility, better absorption by the plants, better efficacy.
Works at small dose and gives excellent control and longer protection against most sucking pests.
Granule formulation helps in ease of handling and measuring the dose. No residues hence no abrasion to pump-nozzle; constant agitation and priming of the sprayer is not required.
Pehalwan-333 application results in phytotonic effect on the treated crops, enhancing vigorous plant growth and providing stress shield.
Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP
Pahelwan-786 is an insecticide of Nereistoxin analogue group, which gives effective control of insects through its contact, systemic and stomach action.
Pahelwan-786 controls all stages of insect e.g. eggs, larvae and adults.
Pahelwan-786 has the ability to control biting, chewing and sucking type of insects.
Pahelwan-786 is compatible with other commonly used insecticides and fungicides.
Pahelwan-786 is completely safe for human beings, animals, crops, natural enemies etc. and also to environment.
Pahelwan-786 is suitable insecticide for Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Acetamiprid 20% SP
Pahelwan-999 is a world renowned insecticide of Neonicotinide group for sucking insects.
Pahelwan-999 controls the sucking insects very effectively by its extraordinary systemic action.
Pahelwan-999 has the ability to control the insects which gained resistance against other insecticides.
Pahelwan-999 is compatible with other commonly used Insecticides.
Pahelwan-999 persists in crops and hence has the ability to control the hiding insects for a longer time.
Pahelwan-999 is safe for natural enemies of insect-pests hence, it is also suitable for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme.
Pahelwan-999 exhibits a systemic with translaminar action. It has novel mechanism action in the insects nervous system by acting as an agonist to hatch. It has exhibits triple action, ovicidal, adulticide and larvicidal.
The exciting foliar insecticide with new mode of action. It knockdown of a wide range of sucking & foliar feeding pests such as aphids, white-fly, jassid, leafhoppers and plant bugs.
Unique trans-laminar activity that puts protection on both sides of the leaf surface to long action with control.
With the special active mechanism it can kill those insects which has resistance to organo-phosphorus insecticides.
Due to low dose it is very economical.
Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC
Garjana has Synergistic power with powerful stomach and contact action.
Garjana has Strong ovicidal, larvicidal and acaricidal properties.
Quick knock down and excellent control on hard to kill boll-worm.
Kills insects on lower and upper surface of leaves due to penetrating action.
Economical to use with much higher and quality produce.
Garjana has a synergistic action due to Profenophos + Cypermethrin.
It has a strong translaminar action.
It control sucking pests as well as bollworm.
Strong ovicidal action.
Very good control of thrips, bollworm, aphid, jassid, mealybug etc. in agriculture crop like cotton, chillies, turmeric etc.
Sulphur 80% WDG
Pratignya in WDG formulation is a dust free, flowable micronised sulphur granules, ease of 100% water dissolvable.
Pratignya is a broad spectrum contact and protective systemic fungicide as well as miticide.
Covers fungal diseases like powdery mildew, scab, leaf spots and all types of mites.
Act as fungicide, Miticide and provides micro nutrient sulphur to plants.
Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC
Being broad spectrum it affords control over all sucking, biting, chewing pests.
Ilaj exhibits rapid action.and has greater effectiveness against all Lepidopterean pests.
Due to higher persistance value it remains effective for longer durations.
Ilaj is relatively cost effective.
Less waiting period between last spray and harvest.
Emamectin benzoate 1.9% EC
Pasha is recommended for control of bollworms in cotton.
Pasha is an insecticide with stomach action and should be ingested by the larvae to be most effective.
Affected larvae became paralyzed and stop feeding shortly after exposure to Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% EC.
The Larvae subsequently dies after 2-4 days.
Validamycin 3% L
Badla is an antibiotic fungicide which controls Sheath blight disease of Rice very effectively. It acts on hyphae and destroys the fungus by its contact action and controls the spread of diseases.
Badla is most effective against soil borne diseases and used for the control of online homework Rhizoctonia Solani in rice, potato, vegetables and other crops and also damping off disease of many crops.
Badla remains effective for a long time even after rain.
Badla is compatible with all the generally used insecticides and fungicides.
Badlais safe to crops and environment and is suitable for Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG
Dushaman dual mode of action systemic and contact.
Dushaman is recommended for control of white grubs in sugarcane.
WG formulation helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption.